Takashige Shibato |
[Director & Chairman, The Bank of Fukuoka, Ltd.] (First Acting Chairman) |
Takahiro Kai |
[Advisor, The Higo Bank, Ltd.] (Second Acting Chairman) |
Motohiro Kamimura |
[Chairman, The Kagoshima Bank, Ltd.] |
Takujiro Mori |
[Chairman, The Juhachi-Shinwa Bank, Ltd.] |
Michiaki Uriu |
[Chairperson, Kyushu Electric Power Co.,Inc.] |
Madoka Kitamura |
[Representative Director Chairman of the Board, TOTO Ltd.] |
Koji Karaike |
[Senior Adviser, Kyushu Railway Company] |
Tomiichiro Goto |
[Chairman, The Oita Bank,Ltd.] |
Hideaki Sakai |
[Representative Director and President, The Bank of Saga Ltd.] |
Koji Sugita |
[President, The Miyazaki Bank, Ltd.] |
Keisuke Mukunashi |
[President & CEO, Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc.] |
Hiroyuki Motonaga |
[Representative Director President, The Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc.] |
Yutaka Aso |
[Chairman, Aso Cement Co., Ltd.] (Honorary chairman) |
Hiroko Ikeuchi |
[Representative Director, Teno. Holdings. Co., Ltd.] |
Mitsunori Mera |
[Representative Director and Chairman, MERA-DENKI-SANGYO Co., Ltd.] |
Atsuko Ishizaka |
[President, Hiyoko Co.,Ltd.] |
Keiko Aura |
[Co. President, OTONA no GAKKOU] |
Tatsuro Ishibashi |
[President, Kyushu University] |
Hideyuki Murakami |
[President, The Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Ltd.] |
Hiroshi Ogasawara |
[Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, Yaskawa Electric Corporation] |
Seiichiro Sato |
[Chairman, Chikuho Bank.Ltd.] |
Masahiro Nakata |
[Managing Executive Officer, Head of Works, Kyushu Works, Nippon Steel Corporation] |
Ichiro Fujii |
[Director and Chairman, Kyudenko Corporation] |
Masahide Migita |
[Vice President, Kyushu Branch, Senior Vice President, NTT West Corporation] |
Naohisa Yoda |
[Expert, Founder Place Liaison, Bridgestone Corporation] |
Tetsuro Choki |
[President, Toyota Motor Kyushu ,Inc.] |