About Kyushu Economic Federation
Established in April 1961
Kyukeiren is a regional, integrated economic organization with a membership of over 1000 companies holding offices in Kyushu and Yamaguchi. Kyukeiren was established on April 6, 1961, to spur Kyushu's economy and unify its business community. The Federation
celebrated its 60th anniversary in April 2021, and it remains active under the motto of "proactive and practical Kyushu Economic Federation."
Organization Profile 2024-2025
The Federation aims to devise practical solutions for industrial and economic issues facing Kyushu, thereby promoting Kyushu economy’s overall expansion and well-balanced development. Through investigating and studying issues, closely coordinating with members
and related organizations, putting together a summary of requests from Kyushu’s business community and communicating those requests to relevant parties, we aim to contribute to the healthy economic development of Japan.
Major Activities
To achieve the above goals, the Federation engages in the following activities:
- Investigate various issues facing Kyushu through committees, local meetings, seminars and communication with major businesses and other organizations, and devise their solutions.
- Put together general requests and demands of member companies, and work on their specific solutions together with related organizations.
- In order to promote public works related to the development of Kyushu, make focused efforts to communicate Kyushu’s demands to the Japanese government.
- In order to help solve issues facing regional public organizations, offer indirect, broad-based support, e.g. attracting companies to Kyushu.
- Proactively engage in international exchanges, especially with ASEAN and Asian countries, to promote friendship and economic cooperation.
- Any achievements through the activities of Kyukeiren will be communicated to its members through serial and special publications.